What is heel pain? Heel pain can stop you in your tracks! It can cause pain so severe that you become house bound or reluctant to go anywhere that requires you to walk or be on your feet. It can cause you to put on weight due the resulting inactivity, and the additional weight gain exacerbates your heel pain due to the added pressure on your feet! It’s a vicious cycle that’s extremely common and very frustrating.
Most people with heel pain will feel heel pain in the morning when their foot hits the floor and after periods of being seated. Heel pain can also cause a throbbing sensation when driving, or a shooting pain when you are sat down.
Heel pain can appear at the base of the heel causing plantar heel pain / pain under the heel, or at the back of the heel, which is referred to as posterior heel pain. The most common type of heel pain comes from a condition known as Plantar Fasciitis, and this causes pain under the heel.
If you are suffering with heel pain, there are many treatment options available if you seek proper assistance from the right healthcare practitioner. Consult a podiatrist. Feel free to contact Sydney Heel Pain Clinic for more info about heel pain treatment. Inquire now!
Written by Karl Lockett