
Plantar Fasciitis Shoes

Do Plantar Fasciitis Shoes Exist?

A new patient undergoing plantar fasciitis treatment arrived at Sydney heel pain clinic requesting advice relating to the treatment of his condition, and wanted to know if there was such thing as plantar fasciitis shoes. And if so, which make or model would be best or most appropriate for his heel pain. This otherwise healthy individual had been experiencing plantar heel pain, and medial heal pain for more than 12 months. He was disappointed in the treatment he had received to date as none of it had been helpful. Typical of patients in his circumstances, this gentleman was proactive and carried out much research himself, and this led him to several websites that claimed to sell plantar fasciitis shoes. This patient had received 12 weeks of physiotherapy for his plantar fasciitis and had been advised to carry out stretching techniques and other forms of self-treatment at home. The physiotherapist had performed deep tissue massage through the arch of the foot and around the base of the heel and had also performed release techniques through the calf muscle. The physiotherapist had also mentioned plantar fasciitis shoes and offered to sell the patient a pair of MBT rocker bottom shoes for his condition. The patient tried on the shoes in the clinic but informed the physiotherapist that he found them to be unstable and made him feel off balance. To this end the patient did not proceed with the plantar fasciitis shoes but instead carried on with treatment. The physiotherapist advised the patient that without proper plantar fasciitis shoes his condition may take longer to heal. The patient reported to the sports podiatrist that the 24 hours that followed the treatment with the physiotherapist were less painful. For this reason he continued with the treatment. However, the benefits from the treatment were short-lived and the patient felt like he was stuck on a medical merry-go-round.

Plantar Fasciitis Shoes

This particular patient returned to his GP and requested further investigation for his plantar fasciitis. He mentioned plantar fasciitis shoes to the doctor but the GP confessed not to be experienced in this area and was not able to advise. The GP did follow instruction from the patient and organised an MRI of his painful right foot. The MRI report conclusively revealed plantar fasciitis, without the presence of heel spur. With this knowledge in mind the patient decided to continue being proactive in search of a successful remedy for his troublesome heel pain. What he was experiencing is not uncommon as many practitioners do struggle with plantar fasciitis treatment due to the wide variety of solutions that are readily available.

Evidence of Plantar Fasciitis Shoes

There does not seem to be any research relating to the effectiveness of plantar fasciitis shoes, and those companies that promote them do not have sufficient evidence to back up the theory.

This patient reported to the sports podiatrist that his heel pain was significant every single morning when rising from bed. This is common for plant fasciitis and it is rare that patients with this condition do not experience this start up pain. The pain can also be very noticeable after long periods of being seated. While this patient did not possess any specific plantar fasciitis shoes he did report to the podiatrist that he would step into a pair of running shoes every morning to help with the pain. Please note that functional running shoes will often assist in supporting the foot, and while they are not technically plantar fasciitis shoes they can help with the symptoms due to the high level of support. Once again there is no evidence surrounding the efficacy of running shoes in the treatment of plantar fasciitis.

Physical Examination – Did this Patient Require Support from Plantar Fasciitis Shoes

The sports podiatrist carried out a routine physical examination in order to diagnose the plantar fasciitis and discuss treatment options. The patient was informed that his signs and symptoms were definitely consistent with plantar fasciitis and this was backed up by the report from the MRI. The podiatrist advised the patient that the single most important factor in treatment of his condition was support for the plant fascia. The podiatrist also informed the patient that while he was not aware of any particular plantar fasciitis shoes, he should be given high levels of support from footwear in general. This could be backed up by the fact that the patient did in fact feel much better when wearing his Asics running shoes. The podiatrist explained to the patient that other forms of support would prove to be more beneficial such as prescription orthotics, strapping techniques and the use in extreme circumstances of immobilisation boots. The patient was informed that the high level of support allows the plantar fascia to rest and heal naturally without the use of medication or injection therapy.

This patient was booked in for a follow-up visit so that his treatment and full assessment could commence. This would involve the use of treadmill assessments and further physical and biomechanical assessments which would help to determine treatment. The patient was not prescribed plantar fasciitis shoes nor was he recommended to purchase these from any other place.

Once again, the podiatrist at the Sydney Heel Pain Clinic are not aware of any proven plantar fasciitis shoes that can assist in the treatment of the condition.


Written by Karl Lockett




Case Study: Plantar Fasciitis Socks – Hit Or Miss?

Do Plantar Fasciitis Socks Exist and are they Beneficial?

A new patient visited the Sydney Heel pain clinic struggling with plantar fasciitis for at least 17 months, and presented to the podiatrist a pair of plantar fasciitis socks. She informs the podiatrist that she has been on some medical merry go round for several months and recently resulted to purchasing socks online after seeing them advertised through social media. The patient was suffering with plantar fasciitis and her left and right foot and this was causing significant heel and arch pain in both feet. This patient was approximately 20 kilos overweight and confesses to the podiatrist that she wishes to begin exercising but she is unable to do so due to the severe pain in both of her feet. She feels frustrated because she would like to lose weight and exercise but is unable to do so as both of her feet hurt. In addition to purchasing the plantar fasciitis socks this patient had paid a visit to her GP, foot specialist, physiotherapist, chiropractor, naturopath and two podiatrists. The podiatrist at the Sydney Heel Pain Clinic being the third podiatry consultation that this patient had attended in at 12 months period.

This patient had been given cortisone injections on two separate occasions into both of her feet and her platter fasciitis persisted. The physiotherapist who she paid a visit to encouraged strength training and a long list of exercises- none of which relieved her symptoms.

This patient reported a significant pain after she had been seated for long periods and would also experience a throbbing sensation if she was sitting or lying in her bed. The throbbing sensations more troublesome in her left foot compared to her right foot and she reports being left side dominant. Frustrated with the pain this patient would use one frozen bottle of water and roll her arches across it on a day today basis. She had heard about plantar fasciitis socks through social media but had avoided purchasing these in favour of more mainstream treatments.

The foot specialist that the patient had paid a visit to instructed her to persist with more conservative treatments and advised the patient that he would not perform surgery as a first line of treatment. He was unable to comment on the efficacy of the plantar fasciitis socks. This patient did spend some time with her GP and was referred for imaging. The reports that this patient received confirmed that there was no heel spur but that the plantar fascia was thinking and calcified, which is typical of plantar fasciitis.

The patient purchased plantar fasciitis socks online and began to where them immediately. She advised the sports podiatrist that she felt quite secure due to the pressure that the socks applied to the arches of her feet. It is quite likely that the benefit felt from the socks was simply you to desensitisation of the nerve endings due to the hugging effect of these socks. The patient also went to bed with the socks on but had to remove them at approximately 2:00 a.m due to them feeling too restrictive. She removed the plantar fasciitis socks and the next morning when she woke from her bed she did report a slight improvement in general foot pain. She describes to the sports podiatrist that it is difficult to say whether or not a plantar fasciitis socks actually reduced the symptoms of the condition itself, or more over they were just relieving general foot fatigue and soreness. Due to these small changes, the patient became hopeful and continued the day-to-day use of her plantar fasciitis socks. However, she decided not to use them at bedtime due to the discomfort.

The patient also reported that while she was using the plantar fasciitis socks she was also mindful that she had increased the frequency of her calf stretches. She began to become confused and was not sure which one of the two therapies was helping. To this end, she stopped stretching her calf muscles and allowed the plantar fasciitis socks to act as the main treatment.


Plantar Fasciitis Socks

As is usually the case with plantar fasciitis, the symptoms of this condition fluctuated greatly from day to day. Typically, patients with plantar fasciitis will have good and bad days without rhyme or reason. The increase or decrease in symptoms can sometimes be due to the number of steps taken in a day, the choice of footwear used from day to day or even things such as body temperature due to changes in the weather which can affect circulation. Patients who are attempting to resolve the condition are unable to put their finger on what is helping or what is making things worse. This patient continued to use her plantar fasciitis socks for 7 weeks before coming to the conclusion that there did not seem to be a significant improvement. This is likely due to the fact that plantar fasciitis responds to high levels of support which unloads the plantar fasciitis. It can be said that there is insufficient unloading of the plantar fascia and insufficient support from the plantar fasciitis socks, and to this end this is probably the reason why the socks were not particularly beneficial.

The sports podiatrist at the Sydney Heel Pain Clinic explained the benefits of unloading the plantar fascia to the patient and offered to treat her with either rigid sports tape to strap the feet or customised orthotics to unload the plantar fascia.

Treatments Other Than Plantar Fasciitis Socks That Have Been Tried and Tested

The podiatrist explained to the patient that the orthotics would be the most reliable and effective way to support the plantar fascia and that they would be more effective than the plantar fasciitis socks. The sports podiatrist also explained the benefits of shockwave therapy, https://sydneyheelpain.com.au/shock-wave-therapy/ , and due to the fact that this patient had to be struggling for a long period of time, she presented as an ideal candidate for shock wave therapy which would break down some of the scar tissue and therefore promote the turnover of new healthy collagen. The shock wave therapy also acts to stimulate blood flow and has been proven to increase the number of small blood vessels in the area. These more scientific treatments which have undergone more research present as more effective and more reliable treatment options than treatments found online such as plantar fasciitis socks. However, this is not to say that plantar fasciitis socks may not be useful for some people either with heel pain or other foot related conditions.

Lack of Research Into the Efficacy of Plantar Fasciitis Socks

More research is probably needed into the effect of plantar fasciitis socks before it can be conclusively claimed that they are in effective. It would be important to exclude a large number of variables when trying the socks such as footwear, number of steps taken in a day, level of activity, type of sporting activity engaged in, body weight, gender and other medical conditions that can affect the foot.

It can be concluded from this case study that there are more reliable treatment options for plantar fasciitis than the use of plantar fasciitis socks. At tthis stage, the podiatrists at the Sydney Heel Pain Clinic do not, and do not plan to stock plantar fasciitis socks due to the lack of scientific research associated with the product. However, this is not to say that an individual should not try the socks if they have foot related conditions. Perhaps the socks may be beneficial for some people with general foot fatigue or other conditions, but they may not be beneficial in the treatment of plantar fasciitis.

Please be aware that the information contained in this case today should not be taken as general medical or podiatry advice. If you have plantar fasciitis or if you wish to receive treatment for the condition you should probably consult with a suitably qualified sports podiatrist or sports medicine doctor. Please be mindful of the above information before purchasing or using plantar fasciitis socks.

This article was written by Karl Lockett of Sydney Heel Pain Clinic

This image below involves the use of the Swiss Dolorclast machine for shock wave therapy


Written by Karl Lockett

Swiss Dolorclast machine for shock wave therapy


The Cause of  Medial Heel Pain

As sports podiatrists we are commonly asked the question, what is causing my medial heel pain. Truthfully, there is more than one cause of pain on the medial side of the heel, but the most common would be plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is a condition associated with inflammatory change within the fascia under the sole of the foot. Usually, the heel pain overrides pain through the arch of the foot, more distally. If you are suffering with medial heel pain, then you will probably notice that the pain is very apparent first thing in the morning when your foot hits the floor. This is very common and very typical of plantar fasciitis. The heel pain is also usually present when standing up and walking from a seated position. Therefore, after you have been driving or sitting down for dinner you may feel discomfort as you begin to move.

medial heel pain

Another cause of medial heel pain is thought to be Baxter’s nerve impingement. The entrapment of the nerve on the medial side of the heel is thought to cause a referred pain similar to that of plantar fasciitis. Imaging using MRI is used for in the circumstances.

Another cause of media heel pain is tibial nerve entrapment through the tarsal tunnel. This is less common than the medial heel pain associated with plantar fasciitis. Again, imaging with MRI can be useful in diagnosing tarsal tunnel syndrome. On occasions, surgical intervention is required in order to release the nerve in the tarsal tunnel, and to relieve the medial heel pain.

Plantar Fasciitis – What Causes Medial Heel Pain?

The cause of medial heel pain from plantar fasciitis is multifactorial. Weight gain, an increase in body weight, an increase in physical activity over a short period of time, tightness through the muscles in the lower leg and biomechanical anomalies are just a few of the common causes of plantar fasciitis. Other things such as poor choice of footwear can also lead to medial heal pain and plantar fasciitis.

Treatment for Medial Heal Pain

The selected treatment for medial heel pain will depend on the diagnosis. There are several treatments for the main or the most common condition, plantar fasciitis. Shockwave therapy is a relatively new and a very successful way of treating medial heel pain when plantar fasciitis is associated. Shockwave therapy stimulates blood flow and helps with the turnover of new healthy cells. There is an analgesic side effect with the treatment although this is not the main reason for carrying out the treatment. Shockwave therapy is normally carried out in the clinic once a week and is performed at least three times and up to six times. The medial heal pain usually dissipates slightly after each session.

Other treatment options for medial heal pain coming from plantar fasciitis are things such as orthotic therapy. A firm orthotic shaped in such a way that it touches and holds the plantar fascia, without pressing against it and attempting to raise the arch higher than its resting height, is a great way of unloading the plantar fascia. Plantar heel pain, medial heal pain and other foot ailments will ordinarily feel much better with the use of such an orthotic. At the Sydney heel pain clinic, the podiatrists use 3D technology to capture the shape of the patient’s foot and a 3D printer is used to manufacture these devices. Not all orthotics are made equally, and some generic and even prescription orthotics fail when not designed properly. The sports Podiatrist becomes the architect, whereby they select the material, the shape, the height, the width of the orthotics and which modifications or deflections should be added.

If a patient has excruciating medial heal pain and they are unable to walk without severe compensation then the use of an immobilisation boot is definitely appropriate. There are several types of immobilisation boots available to practitioners, but the Sydney heel pain Clinic only use a Swiss branded device which has been proven to be more successful than any others.

At the Sydney Heel Pain Clinic, all patients will go through a biomechanical assessment. Following this assessment on a treadmill using 3D digital software, the podiatrist is able to detect biomechanical anomalies and frequently is able to determine what the cause of the medial heal pain was. Once the assessment has been completed and the data analysed, the podiatrist can simply recommend very specific shoe models or footwear types that should be used in order to treat the condition. Sometimes, the medial heal pain will subside with a simple change in footwear.

More often than not, there will be some tight muscle groups affecting the foot and ankle which is prolonging the medial heal pain. The podiatrist will usually demonstrate and request specific stretching techniques in order to assist.

The Sydney Heel Pain Clinic have a mobile phone application which contains information relating to the stretching techniques in addition to other important information associated with the rehabilitation of the medial heal pain.

The information above is not strictly medical advice and if you are suffering with plantar fasciitis or any other form of medial heel pain then it is important that you seek an accurate diagnosis from a medical practitioner.


Article written by Fatemeh Abdi

Sports podiatrist

Sydney Heel Pain Clinic

Sydney Heel Pain Clinic can be contacted on 93883322 or help@sydneyheelpain.com.au. The sports podiatrist treat all foot and leg pain including plantar fasciitis, Achilles Tendonitis, heel spurs. Medial heel pain, plantar heel pain, posterior heel pain and also bursitis. We are registered with all health funds and also accept care plans from your GP. Please note that there will be a gap payment for all care plan patients who are receiving treatment for plantar fasciitis and other heel pain conditions.

If you are suffering with medial heel pain and need to make an appointment you can also complete a contact form on our web site by clicking request an appointment or book online.

Written by Karl Lockett

A 10-Year-Old Boy With Heel Pain After Walking To School

History – Heel Pain After Walking

A mother of two children presented to the Sydney heel pain clinic with her 10-year-old boy who was complaining of heel pain after walking to school. He was experiencing heel pain in both feet and had been struggling for approximately 4 months. His mum explains to the sports podiatrist that he would complain of pain in both heels after physical activity and walking in general. His mum was extremely concerned as he also described heel pain after walking around the floorboards at home. This young boy was otherwise fit and healthy and was physically active. He plays basketball and football at school and engaged in approximately 5 sessions of sporting activity each week. The heel pain that he experienced was also quite severe after his sporting activity. His mum describes a significant growth spurt and an increase of two shoe sizes in 6 months. The 10-year-old schoolboy paid a visit to his local doctor who referred the family to the local imaging center for x-ray. The findings from the x-rays were of no particular significance and did not lead to any specific treatment plan. Please note that the most common cause of heel pain in children between 7 to 14 years of age is Severs syndrome which is a growth plate problem in the heel. X-ray imaging does not necessarily confirm the diagnosis of Severs. Moreover, the signs and symptoms such as heel pain after walking and tenderness with palpation of the posterior and plantar heel surface are more useful in determining the diagnosis. Severs is also more common in physically active children and in particular those who are growing quickly.

In frustration, the mother of this child paid a visit to her local physiotherapist who recommended stretching and strengthening exercises. After 5 weeks of physiotherapy there was no significant improvement. The mother was concerned that she was to blame and that her footwear choice had led to the problem. She was reassured that this was not the case and that the school shoes were typical school shoes worn by most children. The 10-year-old school boy explained to the sports podiatrist that he did feel some relief if he applied cold ice packs to his heels in the afternoon after walking home from school. The heel pain after walking home from school was more severe than the pain experienced in the mornings. The mother explained that the child had been forced to reduce his physical activity and was disappointed that he was unable to participate in as much sport as he would like to. In addition to heel pain after walking, it was apparent that there was significant heel pain after running and sprinting, which is typical for inflammatory heel conditions.


Heel Pain After Walking

Why had the Child Developed Heal Pain After Walking, and Running?

In order to determine the cause of this patient’s heel pain after walking to school the sports podiatrist carried out a biomechanical assessment on the treadmill and a thorough physical assessment was performed. Foot measurements were taken in the standing, weight bearing position and the semi weight bearing position. Arch heights were measured and rear foot angle and calcaneal bisection were also measured. The podiatrist assessed the patient for ligament laxity and also analysed the range of motion through the foot and ankle. Firm pressure was applied to the posterior aspect of the calcaneus and the base of the heel and the patient reported significant pain, similar to the heel pain after walking to and from school. The sports podiatrist confirmed the diagnosis of Severs syndrome.

It was a parent after the physical and biomechanical assessment that this young boy demonstrated a genetic soft ligament type within the foot and ankle, and this was leading to extreme foot instability. During gait there was significant over pronation bilaterally with severe heel eversion in both feet. Both inner longitudinal foot arches were low and measured between 10 and 12 mm bilaterally. It was explained to the mother that due to the child’s age he demonstrated a weaker foot type which may strengthen post adolescence. Once again the patient was reassured that these findings were quite common and quite normal. it was also explained to the patient and the patient’s mother that Severs syndrome is a condition that children grow out of once the heel bone develops and naturally fuses. The heel pain after walking to and from school would subside with treatment. Treatment options were discussed in order to make the child more comfortable and assist in his physical movement during the developmental stages of foot growth.

Treatment Plan to Reduce the Heel Pain After Walking to and from School

In order to reduce the heel pain after walking to and from school the sports podiatrist outlined a multifactorial treatment plan.

Primarily it was important to reduce the load through the Achilles tendon due to the excess pulling on the posterior aspect of the heel bone. The pulling of the calf muscle through the Achilles tendon onto the heel would certainly be a contributing factor in the heel pain after walking, jogging and running. Therefore, the patient was advised to use 12 mm heel lifts inside his footwear at all times. Calf stretching was demonstrated and instructed. The patient’s mother installed the Sydney heel pain mobile phone application which contained the information outlining the detailed treatment plan. The stretching technique with diagrams was included in the application. A list of useful treatments and importantly a list of things to avoid were also included in the mobile phone application. The 12 mm heel lifts would certainly reduce the heel pain after walking but it was also important that the patient begin to perform regular calf stretching. Due to the foot instability and excessive for pronation, rigid sports type was applied to both feet in order to provide extra support. This would reduce the strain on the foot and ankle and therefore unload the stress on the heel. With the rigid sports tape in place the patient began to walk around the corridors and the treatment rooms and provided feedback. Immediately, there was a rapid reduction in heel pain after walking around the clinic. This implied that the inherent foot weakness was a contributing factor and that stabilising both feet and ankles would assist in reducing the heel pain from the Severs syndrome. The footwear that the patient was using had become significantly worn and had compressed quickly. Arrangements were made for the school boy to wear non standard shoes in the form of orthopedic style footwear offering extra support. These shoes were readily available in athletes foot. These shoes would assist and relieve the heel pain after walking but would not be appropriate for use during sporting activity. Therefore, the sports podiatrist requested that’s the patient return within the next week so that his sporting footwear could also be assessed. At this appointment they would have the opportunity to discuss progress and also reapply the rigid sports tape. At the 1 week follow up appointment the patients mother was satisfied and reported that her son had much less heel pain after walking to and from school. The school boy reported to the sports podiatrist that he felt stable and supported with the rigid sports tape in place. Sporting footwear assessment was made and further recommendations were provided. The patient was advised that he could return to physical activity providing that he was comfortable and able to do so. His pain levels would be the key factor in restricting the level and amount of physical activity. Patients mother reported that the child had been diligent and was performing calf stretches on a day-to-day basis.

The Sports podiatrist informed the patient and his mother that there would be no changes to the treatment plan due to the significant improvement and the lack of heal pain after walking. A follow-up appointment was made for 6 weeks and the patient was instructed to return to the clinic if there was a problem.

Please be advised that information contained in this case study is specific to one particular patient with heel pain after walking and should not be taken as medical advice. If you are suffering with foot or heel pain you should inquire with a medical practitioner.

This article was written by Rami Ghorra of Sydney Heel Pain Clinic.

Written by Karl Lockett

How To Heal Plantar Fasciitis Quickly

How to heal plantar fasciitis quickly – Our patient database shows that healing is between 3 to 6 weeks once treatment starts (average)

Many patient’s will ask us if it possible to heal plantar fasciitis quickly, and if so how. However, the length of time that it will take for plantar fasciitis to heal is dependent on many factors. First of all, the length of time that the patient has been suffering with heel pain can affect the healing time. People with chronic plantar fasciitis who have been in pain for several months will tend to take a little longer to heal. Like most patient’s these people will experience heel pain in the morning when getting out of bed and after periods of being seated. They feel a sharp pain under the base of the heel and often report the feeling of a stone bruise, or a pebble in the shoe. As with most inflammatory heel conditions, plantar fasciitis is reversable but the healing time will vary. An average tine of 4 to 6 weeks is usually the case once we assess and commence correct treatment, including asking the patient to refrain from “homework”. (Most patients are inadvertently aggravating the plantar fascia with home remedies / physio exercises)

When we are asked, how to heal plantar fasciitis quickly, it is important to assess the severity of the condition via physical examination. If there is a huge jump response when we apply pressure to the heel this may indicate a severe case, and in some patients this means the use of and artificial aid and / or shock wave therapy to speed things up. More severe cases can take 8 weeks plus.

How to Heal Plantar Fasciitis Quickly with Shock Wave Therapy

Shock wave therapy is a treatment that we use commonly in order to heal plantar fasciitis quickly. The treatment is thought to increase the rate of tissue repair by stimulating the turnover of new blood capillaries in the tissue which brings more blood into the area. There is also said to be new collagen development on the tissue. Shock wave therapy was, and still may be used to treat and break down kidney stones. It has a much wider use now and is common place in sports medicine. In addition to treating heel pain and plantar fasciitis it is  used for Achilles Tendonitis, tennis elbow and joint pain. It is a safe treatment with no known side effects. The treatment also has a numbing sensation and the heel pain usually subsides immediately, for a number of days, while the long term healing takes place.

How to Heal Plantar Fasciitis Quickly with Weight Loss

Plantar fasciitis is sometimes associated with weight gain and when these slightly heavier people as us how to heal their plantar fasciitis quickly, they usually suggest losing weight. While we agree that this weight loss helps, we also point out that non obese people still suffer with heel pain from plantar fasciitis and so there are other factors to consider. Also, it is difficult for people to lose weight when they can’t exercise due to the foot pain.

Do Orthotics Help to Heal Plantar Fasciitis Quickly?

Yes, definitely. If designed correctly and shaped well, a pair of custom orthotics will help the plantar fasciitis to heal quickly. Not every patient needs orthotics and so we carry out a bio mechanical assessment first and consider other things that need to be addressed such as the above mentioned factors. We use a “ Touch and hold” device which does not push against the plantar fascia or try to raise the foot arch higher than its natural resting point. Arch based supports can be a problem as they do the opposite and can press hard against the sole which prolongs the unwanted stress on the plantar fascia. Usually, once the orthotics are inserted into the shoe the heel pain from the plantar fascia subsides within a few weeks. It is important that the patient is using firm soled shoes a opposed to softer and more flexible alternatives. This is also a way to resolve the condition when the patient ask us how to heal plantar fasciitis quickly.

Following a detailed physical assessment the podiatrist will also be able to determine whether to use ice or heat packs. Plantar Fasciitis is known to be an inflammatory condition and so will sometimes respond to the use of cold treatment to reduce that inflammatory process. However, if we need an increase in blood flow then the use of heat packs may have its place. So if a patient asks us how to heal plantar fasciitis quickly, and can they use ice, we need to assess the heel pain first in order to male that decision.

There are some really good exercises that will help the plantar fasciitis to heal quickly, but not many. The home remedies coming from old science seem to do more harm than good and can prolong the condition. This is because they load the fascia and re irritate it. Following a bio mechanical assessment, the sports podiatrist will recommend specific exercises, if any at all are needed. Not all patients will need to carry out home remedies or exercises outside of the clinic. Most of the time, there is a calf muscle issue that affects the foot and the ankle and therefore affects plantar fasciitis via the heel. It is very easy for the sports podiatrist to identify this and select the required stretching.

If you have heel pain and you are wondering how to heal plantar fasciitis quickly you should seek the help of a podiatrist that specialises in heel pain. It is best to treat the condition early rather than allowing it to set in or become chronic. Plantar fasciitis can worsen over time and become excruciating if left alone. Sometimes, the fascia can split and become torn and this can extend the length of time needed for the plantar fascia to heal.

At Sydney Heel Pain Clinics the podiatrists are helping people learn how to heal plantar fasciitis quickly every day and can be reached on help@sydneyheelpain.com.au or 02 92883322.

Sydney Heel Pain Clinics operates from 4 locations across Sydney and the western suburbs. The clinic is lead by Karl Lockett, a podiatrist from the United Kingdom. Karl has a special interest in plantar fascia and other causes of heel pain. The head office is at 72 Pitt Street, Sydney, and there are other clinics in Crows Nest, Parramatta, Miranda and Narellan. The team has one female podiatrist, Fatemeh Abdi and 2 associate podiatrists Rami Ghorra and Omar Mohamad. All of the podiatrist have day to day exposure to heel pain and mainly plantar fasciitis and have a variety of treatment options that they use. The exact treatment plan will depend on the specifics of the individual and may involve one or a combination of treatments.

All podiatrists are registered with AHPRA, Medicare and all health insurance companies. Each treatment for plantar fasciitis or heel pain has a specific code which is recognised by the health fund.

You are able to read case studies of previously treated patients here on this link

Article written by Karl Lockett

Plantar Fasciitis Home Remedy

Plantar Fasciitis Home Remedy – Do they Work?

At Sydney heel pain clinic we are often asked the question is there a plantar fasciitis home remedy and does it actually work. Truthfully, there are many home remedies available online if we search long and hard enough. Many of these home remedies have been around for more than 10 years and can be considered to be old science.

Plantar Fasciitis Home Remedy

Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms – Is this You?

Patients with plantar fasciitis usually report pain first thing in the morning when they rise from bed. They normally hobble around for the first 10 minutes of their day until the heel warms up and the pain subsides slightly. They also report pain after periods of being seated such as driving or watching television. Other people report pain after they have been seated at their office desk while at work. The pain from plantar fasciitis is usually under the base of the heel and can be central for more often towards the medial side.

Plantar Fasciitis Home Remedy

Sometimes, one plantar fasciitis home remedy will work for one person but not for another. Sometimes a plantar fasciitis home remedy is beneficial simply because the patient has a very mild case of heel pain and has begun to treat it quickly, before it becomes chronic. To this end, a home remedy can be useful, but will not always work for everybody.

A Note

“After treating thousands of patients at the Sydney heel pain clinic it has become apparent that the single most important factor in resolving plantar fasciitis is the physical support and unloading of the plantar fascia itself. The sports podiatrist is able to achieve this in one of several ways but is also able to demonstrate a very reliable and simple strapping technique that can be applied as a plantar fasciitis home remedy, by the patient themselves.”

A Popular Plantar Fasciitis Home Remedy

One of the most popular plantar fasciitis home remedies exercises is to roll your foot on a frozen bottle of water or any other hard cylindrical object. The theory here is to massage the soul of the foot and to release the plantar facia. At the same time the iced water allegedly reduces inflammation and reduces pain. However, it is not uncommon for the patient to report an increase in symptoms following this particular exercise. In theory, this may be due to an overload of physical pressure against the base of the heel from the hard object, which simply further irritates the plantar fascia. While some of these plantar fasciitis home remedies provide short-term relief, sometimes for a few minutes only, they often create long-term irritation and can prolong the heel pain condition. Therefore, at Sydney Heel Pain Clinic we do not recommend this treatment.

Foot Streches as a Plantar Fasciitis Home Remedy

Another popular plantar fasciitis home remedy is to stretch the sole of the foot. One way of doing this is to stand on the edge of the steps and allow your heel to drop. Some people perform this exercise as a way of stretching the calf muscles and also as a way to stretch the plantar fascia through the bottom of the foot. In theory, this would also stretch the flexor tendons and the muscles bottom of the foot too. For some people these step stretches can be beneficial but for some people they cause tearing or extreme irritation in the plantar fascia. This is due to a massive increase in load through the soul of the foot at the point where the plantar fascia attaches to heel. The plantar fascia can also be affected through the mid-arch area during these old-fashioned stretches. Again, not advised at Sydney Heel Pain Clinic.

The most beneficial plantar fasciitis home remedy, when it comes to stretching, is a supinated calf stretch while standing and leaning against a wall. One foot back, one foot forward and both feet pointing straight ahead. However, the foot must be supinated and it is important that it does not pronate during the stretch. It should be noted that plantar fasciitis treatment is multifactorial and there is no one magic bullet. Even if this stretch is performed perfectly, or if another home remedy is executed correctly, this does not mean that the condition will resolve. There are often at least one of two other contributing factors that need to be addressed. During a biomechanical assessment and physical examination at the Sydney heel pain clinic, the sports podiatrist is able to correctly diagnose and highlight one or more of the contributing factors. Following these examinations, the podiatrist is able to execute a treatment plan which may or may not involve a plantar fasciitis home remedy. The sports podiatrist is able to demonstrate the supinated calf stretch during consultation.

Sydney Heel Pain Mobile Phone App

In order to provide the correct plantar fasciitis home remedy, Sydney heel pain clinic will provide every patient with the Sydney heel pain mobile phone application. Listed in the app are the home remedies that should be avoided but importantly the home remedies with a higher success rates are included. Each patient is provided with a password in order to open and access the contents of the application. The application is available in the Apple store and the Google play store, and is completely free of charge for patients attending the clinic.

Stretching with a Beach Towel or Bath Towel

Another common plantar fasciitis home remedy is stretching the bottom of the foot by using a long beach towel or bath towel. Again, this is risky. It can be beneficial for mild cases of plantar fasciitis and can be beneficial if the condition is caught early enough. There are benefits to this particular stretch as it is a good way to lengthen the calf muscles. It should be noted here that the plantar fascia is not an elastic structure that can be stretched or lengthened. Hence, there is the risk of overloading the facia and increasing the pulling sensation on the base of the heel. Some patients will report short-term relief when carrying out this plantar fasciitis home remedy however the condition persists.

The Application of Heat Packs as a Plantar Fasciitis Home Remedy

If a patient’s heel pain condition has been persisting for long enough they will continue to search as many plantar fasciitis home remedies as possible. The application of a warm wheat bag or any other form of heat pack against the base of the heel will provide short-term relief. Due to this short-term pain relief the patient will continually and repeatedly reapply the heat pack against the heel every day until they realise that the condition is not resolving. It has been suggested that the increase in blood flow from the heat pack creates vasodilation and allows an increase in inflammatory cells around the heel. This increase in inflammation only prolongs the condition and causes an increase in heel pain.

Throbbing or Stabbing / Shooting Pains

If a patient experiences throbbing or shooting pains this would indicate an acute case of plantar fasciitis for which there is no real plantar fasciitis home remedy. At this stage it is important to seek the opinion of a medical practitioner such as a sports podiatrist.

In summary, there are at least four or five plantar fasciitis home remedies and on occasions one of them may work for an individual if the condition is mild and has only been present for a very short time. It should be understood that plantar fasciitis is a complex condition and that there are many contributing factors, some of them only recognisable by a healthcare practitioner. If a patient has tried one or two home remedies but is still suffering with heel pain from plantar fasciitis then it is advisable to seek the help of a suitably qualified medical practitioner. Please note that the home remedies listed in this article should not be taken as medical advice and therefore should not be used as a treatment plan or as a guide for a plantar fasciitis home remedy.

Please read “shock wave therapy as a new and wonderful treatment option for plantar fasciitis”.

Written by Karl Lockett


Pain In The Bottom Of My Heel

Why Do I Have Pain in the Bottom of My Heel

We frequently see patients attending the clinic asking the question why is there pain in the bottom of my heel? The most common cause of pain in the bottom of the heel is a condition known as plantar fasciitis. This is a condition that feels like a stone bruise in the bottom of the foot. It is commonly caused by tight calf muscles, incorrect choice of shoes, an increase in body weight and or physical activity, in addition to other biomechanical factors. Plantar fasciitis is a condition that will affect men and women alike but seems to affect the older generation. We still see younger patients in their 20s or 30s at the clinic asking the question, what is this pain in the bottom of my heel, but the majority of the patients that we see are in their 50s and 60s. Plantar fasciitis causes pain in the bottom of the heel when we arise from our bed and take our first few steps of the day. Quite commonly the pain will subside within the first few minutes. The pain in the heel is also apparent after periods of being seated such as driving or sitting in a chair. “When I stand up and walk there is a significant pain in the bottom of my heel which usually causes me to hobble for some time”. In a small percentage of patients, the pain becomes extremely acute and can be described as excruciating. This will cause these patients to hobble throughout the day and begin to adjust the way they carry out their day to day activities. There is some confusion, and every now and then there will be a patient that explains to the podiatrist – I have a heel spur and this is causing pain in the bottom of my heel. However, focusing on a heel spur as the cause of pain is or can be described as old science. More recently, practitioners and podiatrists included, are now coming to terms with the fact that the heel spur is not the cause of pain but is an incidental finding. The pain is actually caused by inflammation within the plantar fascia, which is the condition mentioned above, plantar fasciitis.


Pain in the Bottom of My Heel


Is the Pain in the Bottom of My Heel Due to Anything Else?

Some patients will ask the question, is there anything else contributing to the pain in the bottom of my heel? As with all medical conditions we have to be considerate of other possible causes. A differential diagnosis for plantar fasciitis is a superficial bursitis. Ultrasound imaging will reveal other soft tissue changes within the tissue under the heel. Bursitis is not as common but should still be considered.

How Long Will the Pain in the Bottom of My Heel Last?

Naturally, many patients feel anxious about their condition and will ask the question, how long will I have to live with this pain in the bottom of my heel? This is understandable, because as podiatrists we often see patients who have been suffering with heel pain for months if not years. This naturally creates anxiety. The majority of the patients that we treat feel better within days or weeks, and will usually make a full recovery before two months is up. Obviously, this is dependent upon the patient being compliant and can also be affected by the severity of the condition and how long the condition was around prior to treatment starting. At Sydney heel pain clinic there are a variety of treatments and the podiatrists will select one or a combination of treatments depending upon the patient’s individual circumstances.

Heel Pain Treatment

Is there a reliable treatment for the pain in the bottom of my heel and if so what is it? This is a common question and there is no short answer. The causes of plantar fasciitis are varied, and for this reason the treatments will also vary. Dr Google will provide an endless list of treatments including gimmicks and gadgets and a variety of home remedies. Some of these recommendations create short-term relief but do not contribute to the long-term healing. The podiatrists at the Sydney heel pain clinic will select a combination of treatments tailored around the patient and the specific individual findings on the day. More often than not, it is crucial to unload the plantar fascia in order for it to rest and recover. Unloading the plantar fascia is probably the single most important factor in its rehabilitation. Once the plantar fascia is unloaded, then there are other factors that will contribute to healing and allow the condition to settle. Other treatments are those such as shockwave therapy, strapping, calf muscle stretching, footwear changes and a modification to daily routine. In rare cases we need to use immobilisation boots. Commonly, the patients at the Sydney heel pain clinic will request prescription orthotics, made using a 3D scanner. These are an excellent way of unloading the plantar fascia. After using orthotics for a number of days, it is not uncommon for the patient to report to the podiatrist – the pain in the bottom of my heel is still there but is extremely mild and feels much better with the shoe liners in place. “Within 4 to 6 weeks the pain in the bottom of my heel subsided completely”.

I Have Pain in the Bottom of My Heel, Will Shockwave Therapy Fix it?

Shockwave therapy is a relatively new treatment in comparison to other more common podiatry treatments. The Sydney heel pain clinic currently receives many enquiries from patients asking – will shockwave therapy get rid of the pain in the bottom of my heel? The short answer to this question is not necessarily. As mentioned above, there are many contributing factors to plantar fasciitis and it is crucial for the podiatrist to detect those causes and remove those problems. If we carry out a course of shockwave threapy but do not address the need to stretch calf muscles or change shoes for example, then there is a chance that the condition will persist. That being said, shockwave therapy still remains an extremely beneficial treatment which stimulates blood flow and the turnover of new collagen. It can be described as something similar to pruning plants, whereby it knocks off the waste products and dead tissue and paves the way for new healthy cells. This helps to regenerate and strengthen the plantar fascia.


To summarise, there is more than one cause of pain under the bottom of the heel but the most common one is plantar fasciitis. All of the heel pain conditions that are treated at the Sydney Heel Pain Clinic are reversible and treatable. This article should not be taken as medical advice, but if you are reading this material and wondering – how shall I treat this pain in the bottom of my heel, you should contact a sports podiatrist, preferably one who specialises in heel pain.


Written by Karl Lockett



A reliable treatment for Achilles Tendonitis : https://sydneyheelpain.com.au/shock-wave-therapy/

The Signs Of Achilles Tendinitis

What are the Signs of Achilles Tendinitis

A patient arrived at the Sydney heel pain clinic describing the signs of Achilles tendinitis in his left ankle. He was 34 years old and was an extremely healthy individual who regularly ran. He had a history of completing Ironman events as well as several marathons and half marathons. He explained to the sports podiatrist that he had never experienced the signs of Achilles tendinitis before and therefore was uncertain about the condition in his feet. The symptoms of Achilles tendinitis developed approximately four months ago and there did not seem to be any apparent reason for the onset of his symptoms. The patient reported to the sports podiatrist that he initially began to feel tightness in his calf muscles and would experience a stiffness through the Achilles tendon first thing in the morning when rising from bed. He would also experience this stiffness and lack of range of motion when walking after being seated for a prolonged period, for example after driving his car. After being seated in the office, the patient would stand up from his chair and would also begin to feel stiffness in his Achilles tendon while walking. These are probably the early signs of Achilles tendinitis, and should be treated immediately. The patient did not stop running but instead continued with his regular exercise program. The majority of the patients runs were on flat surfaces but occasionally involved inclination. Once a week he would include steps and stairs into his running program and this seemed to increase the symptoms of the Achilles tendinitis. Once the patient had began running and his ankle was warmed up, he was able to continue running without too much discomfort and without really feeling the signs of Achilles tendinitis. Therefore, he continued with his training program and did not seek medical advice. After approximately three weeks of discomfort, the patient began to perform on line research. Dr Google provided home remedies in the form of stretching and strengthening exercises as well as foam rolling. The symptoms did not subside and as time progressed signs of Achilles tendinitis increased.

Advanced Signs of Achilles Tendinitis

For this particular patient the early signs of Achilles tendinitis did not subside and his symptoms began to increase. The stiffness turned into sharp stabbing pains and there was significant discomfort when finger and thumb pressure was applied to the sides of the tendon. Each morning upon rising from bed the mild discomfort had turned into significant pain which would cause the patient to hobble to the bathroom. The morning pain lasted longer and did not disappear following his first few steps. Once out on the train on his way to work he would also experience warmth, heat and an awareness through the Achilles tendon. He also experienced another typical sign of Achilles tendinitis which is a visible thickening of the tissue and observable inflammation. At this stage, the patient decided to reduce his running by half, and he inserted more rest days in between his runs. He also excluded the steps and stairs training from his program. However, his symptoms did not subside, and the advanced signs of Achilles tendinitis seemed to be firmly established.

This patient paid a visit to a reputable sports medicine doctor in North Sydney for treatment of his persistent Achilles tendinitis. In addition to some general advice, which is often given to patients with the signs of Achilles tendinitis, the sports medicine Dr offered an injection of cortisone into the Achilles tendon. The patient was rather unhappy about the suggestion and did not want injection therapy. The sports doctor also referred the patient for ultrasound imaging which confirmed thickening of the Achilles tendon, proximal to the heel bone, and inflammatory change consistent with Achilles tendinitis. Fortunately, no tears detected and bursitis was also ruled out.

Other Signs of Achilles Tendinitis

Other signs of more severe and acute Achilles tendinitis involve throbbing sensations and shooting pains when sitting or lying down. This patient did describe to the sports podiatrist on occasions when he was laid down in his bed, the feeling of extreme heat and throbbing sensations through the tendon.

This patient reported to the sports podiatrist that he was disappointed in himself for not acting quickly when he first began to experience the signs of Achilles tendinitis. His condition could have been treated and the advanced symptoms of the condition could have been halted. He explained to the practitioner that he was committed to whatever treatment was on offer as he was desperate to recover quickly and return to his normal training program.

Physical Testing for the Signs of Achilles Tendinitis

The sports podiatrist carried out some physical tests within the clinic to confirm the diagnosis which would tie in with the signs of Achilles tendinitis that the patient presented with. The patient was asked to stand on one leg bearing all of the weight on his troublesome ankle. He was that asked to perform a heel raises with his knee fully extended. The patient was able to perform seven repetitions on his troublesome leg, compared to more than 20 on his stronger leg. This physical test which loads the Achilles tendon is a common test performed when patients present with the signs of Achilles tendinitis, and forms part of the diagnostic process. The practitioner applied lateral pressure using finger and thumb to the Achilles tendon which invoked a significant reaction from the patient. The majority of the pain was along the shaft of the Achilles tendon approximately 3 cm above the heel bone. The patient was also asked to walk on the treadmill in his bare feet while the podiatrist inclined the surface. With the patient walking briskly on the inclined treadmill he reported significant discomfort after approximately two minutes. He was unable to run or sprint on the treadmill due to the pain in the tendon.

As you can see from the descriptions above, there are a variety of signs and symptoms of Achilles tendinitis all of which should be addressed promptly before the condition deteriorates. In summary, the signs of Achilles tendinitis are those such as stiffness, sharp pain, stabbing sensation, throbbing and heat, through the shaft of the tendon, above the heel bone. Some of the symptoms will be present without physical load or pressure on the foot and can cause pain when non-weightbearing. The most obvious sign of Achilles tendinitis is pain with lateral pressure from finger and thumb.

A clear diagnosis was made for this patient and he was booked into the Sydney Heel Pain Clinic for treatment. Please note that the information contained in this article outlines common signs of Achilles tendinitis which should not be taken as medical advice. If you think you have Achilles tendinitis or if you feel like you are developing some of the signs of Achilles tendinitis and you should seek the help of a podiatrist.

Shock Wave Therapy

A new and reliable treatment for Achilles Tendonitis : https://sydneyheelpain.com.au/shock-wave-therapy/

Written by Karl Lockett


Achilles Tendonitis

How do we treat heel pain?

There are several treatment options that can be used to resolve heel pain conditions and each one is carefully considered when treating each patient. What’s right for one person might not be right for another


Plantar Fasciitis: Finding the cause – 13th August 2015.

New patients at our clinic are often confused by the overwhelming information posted on the internet. Much of the treatment advice for Plantar Fasciitis is conflicting and produces varied results.</br/>

We refer to this information source as Dr. Google and we are all guilty of knocking on his door when a part of our body hurts. The problem is that what works for one person, won’t necessarily work for another. As human beings we are all different and in particular our feet are different. There are 26 bones and 34 joints in one foot so the chances of one foot being the same as another is pretty slim. Even 2 feet that belong to the same person will have subtle differences!</br/>

The fact that peoples feet function differently will probably explain why the cause of Plantar Fasciitis in one person will be different to the cause of Plantar Fasciitis in another. And let’s face it, there are several causes of Plantar Fasciitis so a “one size fits all” treatment approach is naïve. </br/>

If your friend or work colleague hears of your Heel Pain and offers, “ I had Plantar Fasciitis once, just buy some arch supports from the chemist” or “ I had a Heel Spur once, just roll your foot on a golf ball”, you shouldn’t be surprised if your pain doesn’t go away. There are so many variables that need to be considered, fundamentally – what is the cause of the condition in your particular foot.</br/>

As a Sports Podiatrist, this is where I come in. It’s my job to analyse you and investigate and find that cause. We use cameras to video your feet, we look at you walking on a treadmill, we take foot measurements and look at joints and muscle range. </br/>

I pay particular attention to footwear too as I understand that patients have no idea what sort of shoes are suitable for their feet. It’s understandable – why would you know which shoes match your foot type unless you were experienced in this area. You probably wouldn’t know which tyres suited your car without the advice of the guy that fits them for a living.</br/>

So it’s no surprise to me when I see a new patient with Plantar Fasciitis who has been wearing ballet flats and scuffs when they have tight calves and flat feet. </br/>

The point I’m trying to make here is that unless you know what has caused your Plantar Fasciitis or Heel Pain, and you are able to remove that cause, then you are probably not going to resolve your condition. If the lady with the flat feet and tight calves in the ballet flats, keeps rolling her heel over a frozen coke can, but continues wearing the ballet flats and doesn’t address the tight calves, then she is wasting her time.</br/>

I do understand why patients call our clinic and ask the question “So how will you treat my Heel Pain, I’ve got Plantar Fasciitis?” but there is not one answer. In fact, the short answer is “ I don’t know because I haven’t seen you yet” and the reality is that I need to assess you to find the cause. Once I have seen a patient I then remove the cause and implement treatments to unload the fascia and accelerate healing. It sounds simple, and in a way it is. Most patients find it simple too, once explained.</br/>

I hope this helps to explain why Dr. Google isn’t always able to help you as he has others with the same problem, and that in order to successfully treat your Plantar Fasciitis it is important to find the cause.</br/>

Written by Karl Lockett
