A 53 year old female presents with pain in the bottom of her heel of approximately 3 years. She describes the pain as being under the “ball of her heel” and she feels this pain when her foot hits the ground every morning. She also feels the pain when she stands up to walk from […]
Case Study 20 August 2016 – Acute Achilles Tendonitis
A 28-year-old male presents to the clinic complaining of excruciating pain at the back of his right leg – near the Achilles tendon area. He reports that the pain came on after a session of playing soccer 3 days ago, after having a 4-month break. He has been limping on the right foot since, and […]
A 12 year old boy presents to the clinic with pain at the back of his heels, which has been present over 4 months. He is a very active boy who runs and plays soccer 8 hours a week. He reports that the pain is much worse after prolonged activity. He understands his symptoms are...
Arch Pain Background Mrs X – 42 years old, presents to clinic complaining of severe heel and arch pain for over 6 months now. She is very frustrated as she had recently seen her old podiatrist who made her a pair of orthotics and had sent her on her way. Unfortunately for Mrs X she […]
A middle aged male presents with Achilles pain in both feet of approximately 4 years. He thinks he has Plantar Fasciitis due to the fact that he has heel pain, which he experiences every morning, but he hasn’t been to see a specialist nor does he have an understanding of the 2 conditions. His Achilles…